Mmm. Life. Goes by fast now. Good.
Haunted house was interesting to say the least. I got to play the person being given a lobotomy while still alive. My throat still hurts a little now from all that screaming. It was a good room though for the most part. I think Jroy scared lots of people with her scariness. I heard a few scared people under my sheet of brains (AKA ramen with fake blood in it... GROSS!). I wish I had had a chance to actually go through the house. Oh well!
I took my first percocet this weekend. It felt so good and I wish I hadn't taken one, because now I know what it feels like to be without weird muscle twitches and pain in general and it's fabulous. DAMMIT! I forgot to take my medication... again. Shit! I really need someone to remind me at EVERY meal. Damn damn damn!
I love when you get late night phone calls and proceed to have a 4 minute conversation while still halfway between sleep and awake. Daniel called at 2:40am and I was definitely asleep. I thought I dreamt the phone call, but according to my logs, it happened. I have noooo idea what I said in that 4 minute span. Hope it was good! :-P
I apparently was cool enough to get invited to Pi Mu Epsilon. Yay, at least some honor society considers me smart enough. :-P My GPA is 3.5 and I am damn proud of it! :-D I don't know if I am actually going to do it or not... but it was an honor to be invited.
This is such a wicked busy week for me. I am scared. Actuarial exam, physical therapy, and recruitment. I will either have the greatest week or the worst. I see no inbetween.
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