Thursday, May 25, 2006

photos galore

I've been wicked lazy in blogging. ::shrug:: Surprisingly, lots of stuff HAS indeed happened.

Best news: I MET PHOENIX! All four of them: Thomas, Deck, Christian, and Laurent. I was like a little kid at the candy shop freaking out about meeting my FAVORITE band. They were so French and very (for the lack of a better word) quirky! :-) They performed all my favorite songs and I still can't believe I got to MEET them. It was just two years ago, I was in Denmark, watching their music video thinking to myself, "They are pretty damn good." And now, I have met them. Perhaps one of the coolest events in my life thus far. It has definitely cemented my love for them. Although I felt like such a Band Aid (only the cool kids know that easy reference), but a lost for words Band Aid. I have no idea what to say to them except to babble on about how amazing their music was. Here are some photos of it:

Christian and Deck with us girls

Yummy... Thomas and I... when he says merci beaucoup... you melt just a little

Deck (again) with Laurent and I


OK, now that the Band Aid in me is out of my system... moving on... I spent a week on Oak Island and it was GREAT. Even though I put on sun block every day, I still got wicked tan. I always say the only thing in me that works really hard is my melanin. :-) Of course I HAVE to post photos...

Here is the group of us that went again. No new people, but still a good time. I admit though, being with six other girls for a whole week can get a little stressful after awhile! But luckily I had a few key people to keep my sane. :-)

Here are Katie and I at Myrtle Beach. Molly came too and it was an exceptionally GOOD time! I had my first experience at Red Lobster where I was a huge spaz, we saw very good looking guys on the beach ;-), and got told by constructions workers to drop our towels for $10 (which were acting as shields while we were changing), and just had a great time!

What a gorgeous sunset right outside out door!

This is Katie and I saying good bye at the airport. We are sickenly tan. I will miss my K-dawg! I am definitely going to try and visit Colorado SOME day soon. :-P

I have to go, because I am headed to X-Men and Foxwoods the night before a weekend in New Jersey. I will leave with a photo of my favorite graduate. Congratulations to everyone who graduated! :-) PS. I am a midget next to Patrick. :-P

Monday, May 08, 2006


"To err is human; to forgive is divine."

It's not fair. I don't want to be divine. I want to stay angry and not forgive. But I know, tomorrow, I'll call him and let him get away with being a jerk, with being human. Because I can't bear to think that he might not speak to me anymore if I continue to wait for an apology. It's not fair. I have no idea if things will ever change. They probably won't. And yet, I will just have to forgive and take it, because I can't replace this relationship. I can't replace him. So I'll swallow my pride, let him get away with being the most irresponsible person I've ever known, and do as much damage control as I can as life moves on for all of us. It's a fine line I've walked my entire life.

On to more inane things in my life. We secured the apartment. :-) We're going to move around June 15th and I feel that life will drastically improve once we're there. I'm going to NC in less than 5 days and it's going to be great. My goals are: 1. Read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code (I know, I am behind and a loser) 2. Not get tan/skin cancer 3. Relax 4. Think about the next step in my life as I watch the ocean pound the shore. That's about it.

I am seeing Phoenix at 9pm tonight. I am pretty damn psyched. :-)

I wish I knew what it felt like to be complete.