I swear, I tell myself I will blog every night but I'm so tired, I just say screw it all! It's time to backtrack!
Friday night - I meant to go out and go to my first party of the year. But once again... I was just not in the mood at all. I am getting old I think! I missed out on Crow's Foam Party. Oh well! I instead did 4 loads of laundry because even if I had wanted to go out, I definitely did not have ANY clothes to wear. 4 loads, people. FOUR! I think that was almost a month's worth of laundry... the longest I have ever went. And while I was in the process of folding my laundry, guess who calls? My favorite rower - Matt Hazel! So he comes over and we just hang out and really do nothing but schmooze as usual. He said I was boring, but I think I am way more entertaining than he is, even when I am at my boringest moments. Plus he still stayed a lengthy amount of time even though I was "boring". ;-) After he left, I spent some good TiVo time with the best joo out there, William! Scrubs was good, but Will & Grace was the best. I really do love my quality TiVo. :-)
Saturday night -
STRIPPERS! My lovely Amanda Gray calls and tells me it's time... it's time for the strip club. Time to pass on the event that I had for my 19th birthday and it's only fitting Amanda Gray gets the same since she is my lovely daughter. So I get directions, get the girls (Amanda Gray, Mel, and Elise) dressed and we head out to Saugus for an awesome night at "Male Encounters." Yeah, what an awesome name the place has. ;-) We only get mildly lost on the way there and ask some guy for directions to the Palace and he proceeds to tell us that it sucks and he doesn't know why we would go to that club. Little does he know, we are only going for naked men and NOT clubbing. :-) Anyways, we get there and we wait FOREVER. We got there early and the show didn't start until 10, so we just chatted. Then the show got on it's way and we got polaroids with some strippers to commemorate and then just sat back and let the jaw and pants dropping start. Most of the guys were decent looking EXCEPT for one... Orlando who happens to be the ugliest grossest guy ever and he just so happens to be
THE guy who gave me a lap dance on my 19th birthday. Way to go, Andrea, on picking the yuckiest guy there with possibly the longest hair too. Anyways, the hottest guy was definitely Brad Allen. He was worthy of my dollar and I got a nice picture of him and a peck on the cheek. He was a "rower." Hehe... overall, funny time at the strip club. We just sat there and laughed and went "Holy crap!" whenever the strippers did something inappropriate - which was everything!
Quote of the night:
"Take it off!"
The ride home was just as fun with a near 4 car pile up and some cute guys driving behind us who flashed their lights at us. We also encountered some shady foreign dudes who kept pace with us so they could stare. Weirdos! We were really hoping to encounter a male toll booth person so we could fold out dollar bill and wave it to him stripper style. Too bad we had all chicks! Oh well!
Sunday morning - Who do I get a phone call from at 7:40am? Holy crap, it's friggin'
Matt Hazel. Not who I was expecting to wake up to! :-) Anyways, Wally was MIA for the race and he knew that I knew Sunshine's number since Wally was at her place the night before. I think Matt Hazel just uses me for my connections and awesome editing skills (since I have read all his essays 50 times over to help him make them better). Next up after the early phone call -
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk-a-thon! It was a good time this year, much better than last. No blood or blisters and an awesome hour spent with Karen and Mel just chatting it up. Spent the rest of the day napping and finishing work and picking up the slack for A. Michael who was too drunk to make it to the movies since it was Yom Kippur and I guess the Russians made him take shots. How odd and joo-ish. Anyways, Legally Blonde had a lot of females show up and I was happy with that. Then Matt Hazel came over after he helped out with the movie and we just hung out with a lot of my residents (really just watched Jimmy get his ass handed to him in Mega Man 2). Boy, I think I got a lot of Matt Hazel time this weekend now that I realize... lucky me... I think. ;-)
Monday night - Holy baseball! The Red Sox battle back and win the series against the Oakland A's! WHOA! Who would have thought? There were some chaos and a massive mob on the quad with hundreds of people chanting "Yankees suck! Yankees suck!" It was insane and so cool at the same time. I'm not a Sox fan, but I am a Yankees hater. So you can bet I will be cheering my ass off for the Sox because all I want is for the Yankees to lose... lose like they lost tonight! WOO! 5-2 final... that's one game down, only three more to go for the Sox to make it to the World Series... it would be crazy if it ended up Cubs vs. Sox... so crazy! Too bad my team, the Braves, choked in the post season again... losing to the Cubs. Damn the Cubs. Sox all the way!
Evil week from hell = this week since I have so many projects and homework due (luckily William was a great help with the MG stuff and just a nice stress reliever to go to with our Chinese nights and just gossip talks... gotta love my joo). Anyways, I am sooo fucked. I think I am going to get very little sleep tomorrow night and I should have been in bed a half hour ago, but instead chose to blog since I thought it had been put off long enough. I hope people are actually reading this, but then again, I just like to blog because I like to look back and read and laugh. I think I am hitting the year mark on my blogging. Excitement. With that... -.- Zzz