the unexpected
You never know when it's going to happen. It just does. Life is peachy keen one moment and the next you're dead. It's not fair, it's not right, and it's even worse when you're so young. But it happens and all you can do is deal and make your life worth every next moment you get. I feel like I've been given a second chance. I was close to death. Too close. I was lucky. A broken pelvis and some nerve damage seems so little in comparison. Although I didn't know the WPI student who died, my heart goes out to all his family and friends. He died after being struck by a car. I cannot stress the importance of driving carefully. Quoting Advanced Driver's Training: "Your vehicle is a killing machine."
I know what it's like to lose a friend at such a young age. My friend Rob died my freshman year of high school due to a bad car accident. I couldn't stop thinking about it and how I would never see his goofy face at my window, or his baggy pants, or hear his lame jokes. And everyday I would pass his old house on the corner and my heart would ache just a tiny bit. I even had nightmares about him. He would be in them and everything would be alright and then I would remember, "Wait, you're dead!" And he would joke and say he wasn't and I would go to hug him and he would disappear... bringing back the reality. Those dreams were awful. We were so young. It wasn't fair. But that's life in a sense. There is no life without an eventual death. And I had to learn to accept that. Still thinking of you Rob...
It's September almost. God speed my recovery time.