at carla's request
Since my Danish Dame wants me to blog, I must comply.
I've seen Fahrenheit 9/11 twice now. Fabulous film. Two of the best quotes: "We'll smoke him out." and "Now, watch this drive." OK, I don't absolutely hate Bush or wish death upon him, but I do wish for the next four years to be devoid of him. Before the movie started on opening night, there was a preview for Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. After it ended, someone had the nerve to shout "That's gay." And worse off is that everyone laughed. I was pretty angered by that comment. It felt so out of place and uncultured. Anyways, once the movie started, the audience was completely riveted. People were on the edge of their seats and it was completely silent, no movie theatre chitter chatter at all. It was by far, one of the best movie going experiences I've had. And people, I PAID to see this movie. PAID. First movie in Erie in about three years (discounting the dollar theatre). Moore made some very valid points, but was very manipulative in the way he lead you to think this or that. I see the points and I see the hardcore bias. As many people have said, I wish I could see a counterpoint to this film, to tell their side. I'm decently open-minded about it all. I've had many heated discussions with good friends (Republican friends) about it all, and good points were made. I still feel anti-Bush, but at least I don't hate hate him as much. Derek and Adam were staunch Bush fans. My manager Blaine likes to put me and Derek in a box together so we can argue politics and get all heated. It's humorous. Anyways, to sum it up, go see Fahrenheit 9/11, no matter what your political standpoint is. BUT, do not let this film decide your vote in anyway. Basing a vote on a biased film such as this would be stupid. Be fair to yourself and read up on current news and educate yourself.
It's also very alarming to think of our voter turn out rate in America. But I guess those who really care will vote, and at least some are educated. It's better to have low voter turn out of people who actually know their stuff than have a bunch of retards vote based on petty crap. Still the apathy in the US is sickening. In Denmark, everyone was always so involved and caught up and had an opinion and stayed well informed. Every citizen earned the right to give their two cents and always made sure to keep it up. I wish we had that in the US. More caring. Less apathy.
The B&G has been OK. My kids were pretty bad at the end of last week but today was a good day. Tomorrow they get to go on a field trip to McD's to learn how the food is made and make their own meals. It should be interesting, to say the least. My last paycheck was for all of 14 dollars. Weak. But the next one will be for $450 and boy oh boy do I need it. Still paying off my credit card and need to prepare myself for rent and books and perils of living on my own.
I really miss WPI and everything and everyone there. I got hit by the WPI blues a few days ago. I just feel like it's been forever. Is this how it's gonna be after college is over? A forever feeling of missing something? I hope not. I can survive it, but it sucks sometimes. I am relatively happy though, just missing out on the other part of my life. August 1st will feel so great.
Asians vs. azns. Who will win? I bet you wonder what I mean by this. Asians are the stereotypical Asians, the studious good ones who strive to be successful and geeky. The azns are a new breed. Or mutation of the Asians, a rebellion against the conformity that Asian parents try to force upon their children. They are the ghetto ones, the wannabee rappers, my cousins in New Orleans. I consider myself an Asian. A white girl trapped in an Asian body, but an Asian nonetheless. My brother is an azn. I start to wonder, who would win in a fight? Would the intelligence win against braun? Are the goody two shoes geeks going out the door as the metrosexual and hip azns dance their way in? Are they the new Asians of the future? One has to wonder. And worry.
A movie I am VERY MUCH looking forward to is Kinsey. Plot description: A look at the life of Alfred Kinsey (Neeson), a pioneer in the area of human sexuality research, whose 1948 publication "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was one of the first recorded works that saw science address sexual behavior. My friends from HS and I use the Kinsey scale to judge heterosexuality and homosexuality. Mega flaming is a 6 while straight as an arrow is a 1. I can't wait to see what this movie is all about. The trailer I saw was great. Just enough to leave you wanting to know more without giving away the whole damn movie. Fabulous.
I feel like life has somewhat been disrupted by the re-entrance of Daniel into the States. I do not like being at his beckon call. He is demanding as he says. I treasure our unique friendship, but I am weary of anything strenuous. I look forward to talking with him on a more regular basis, but I do not want to be only spoken to when he needs advice or such. I know him so well. I may not know the everyday details, but I feel like I KNOW him. Bleh. I miss the banter and I miss the Daniel-Vonda laughs, but I do not miss the drama. He called today while I was at TGIFridays with Hanni. He told me I don't sound like a Valley girl anymore. I was pleased. It was weird to hear his voice after a year of not hearing it. The last time we spoke was last summer the last night he was in the States before he left for his year in India. Anyways, I am glad he is home and everything. I admit I missed him while he was gone, when we chatted the few times during the year. I do not think of him otherwise. I hope he gets some balls and does something with his feelings. Otherwise, he is just another Texan pansy. Anyways, yeah... welcome back Daniel. :-P
My throat is a bit sore. Not a good sign. Come on body, fight the sickness. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
I'm such a dork. When I'm at work (t-town) and bored, I write down all the points I want to bring up in my blog. Dorky huh? But it's the best way to remind myself.
Time for bed. I hope this appeased you Carla. Anything for my queen, my goddess. ;-) Muhahahaha. Good night world.