Hanni and I talked about soulmates, or at least the idea of it. I think there is THE soulmate out there for you, but also many almost soulmates as well. And it's just a matter of fate, which person you meet first, the or the almost. And then it led me to worry. Who is my soulmate or almost soulmate? I can honestly say there is only one person I've ever liked that I could even utter soulmate about. But it's so far-fetched. But at the same time, fate had something to do with the beginnings of that relationship in the first place. And fate will do something about it later if it wants to. Who knows. All I know is that I wonder about it occasionally, but shouldn't and definitely don't hold out for it. Right? Yes, right. If it's one thing I've learned from the past few months is fate will have its way with you whether you agree with it or not.
I also believe in the non-life partner soulmates, the platonic soulmates - the people who get it, get you. I think Becky is my soulmate, as is William, and my brother. And I have a few almost soulmates as well, not many more than what I just named, maybe Tom and Molly and Hanni. People who get me or at least accept me and realize the value of our relationship. Without these soulmates, my life would be soul-less. For these people, I am forever in-debted to fate. Too bad there isn't some way to send fate a thank you and I hate you card all at once for my life. :-P
Yes people, my life is a little slow and that is why I did the following quiz - ENJOY. But I did do a lot of studying today, got out the pad and pen and really worked away at some of the problems. Mainly calculus still though, too scared to push hard with probability. But I will, don't worry. I really want to pass this crap this time. Show companies I'm worth it. Anyways, it's time for some Sex and the City. I just found seasons 2 and 3 in my messy room and it feels like the first time all over again. :-)
First best friend: My brother, Patton... I gave him a big kiss when he was brought home from the hospital, there are photos. He hates them.
First car: Neon Sentra
First date: I'm a loser, haven't ever had one... yet!
First real kiss: Oh boy Duc Tran? We were young and curious. Meant nothing. :-P So I guess that isn't real real... I'd say never if going by emotions behind the kiss.
First break-up: Some kid named JR... stood for Junior, do you see why I dumped him? j/k
First screen name: VonDuh315 (I hate numbers now... it's funny because I am a math major)
First self purchased album: Boy II Men's II!! Best ever.
First funeral: My favorite uncle's funeral when I was 5. It was scary because they had these ladies who were basically hired to moan and cry in white clothes.
First pets: Goldfish... they were the only things that my parents didn't kill and eat. :-) Seriously.
First piercing/tattoo: Ears at the age of 1 or 2. My mom was a masochist.
First credit card: Capital One right before college with a crazy limit of $300.
First true love: You mean they had to reciprocate right? Then none... 21 and never been hit by the train called love.
First enemy: My brother, Patton... he punched me in the stomach when we were 6 and 7 and we've been fighting since then.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Oh jeez... it was bad Vietnamese music with keyboard and lamenting... it's like country with a synthesizer.
Last cigarette: It was some Thursday in my 8th grade year. Yes, people, I was a badass when I was entering my teen years.
Last car ride: Yesterday, to get my blood taken.
Last kiss: Well this didn't say kiss kiss, so a kiss on the cheek counts... Becky, my best friend gave me my last smooch
Last good cry: Ooooh, probably a week ago, maybe two. I've had a lot in the past few months!
Last library book checked out: There's this thing called IQP, and yeah it was some books on how laws and standards are created when it comes to safety and consumer products
Last movie seen: Zoolander, friggin' great!
Last beverage drank: Water, only water.
Last food consumed: Rice with some fried meat contraption that I like.
Last crush: Mmm... Patrick? After consulting with William over this, it was definitely Patrick.
Last phone call: William, he is my gab pal as well as my joo.
Last time showered: 5 hour ago
Last shoes worn: My trusty blue and white Sketchers
Last cd played: Scissor Sisters - they are fabulous.
Last item bought: It's funny, I have the receipt in my pocket - the last item was Clean and Clear Face Wash
Last annoyance: My wheelchair/my busted hip/my inability to walk/not being at WPI
Last disappointment: My doctor's appointment where I found out I have a freaky bone growth
Last time wanting to die: Never... even when shit hits the fan as it has in my life.
Last time scolded: My mom was mad that I wanted to shower so late :-)
Last shirt worn: Olive green Old Navy graphic tee
Last website visited: Ian's blog, where I got this silly quiz
Last word you said: Ha
Last song you sang: Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter
What color socks are you wearing?: None, barefoot is the way to go
What Color of underwear are you wearing?: Let me check... pink, I'm a girl!
What's under your bed?: The ground
What time did you wake up today?: 12pm... I got nothing else to do!
Where do you want to go?: WPI immediately, and Japan, London, and Copenhagen again in the far future.
What is your career going to be?: As of right now, an actuary.
Where are you going to live?: New England big cities: Boston or Providence OR Manhattan or somewhere close to it!
How many kids do you want?: 2-3 if my hips allow :-)
What kind of car(s): Who cares, as long as it's cute and it runs.
Current mood: Serene
Current music: Sondre Lerche - It's Over
Current taste: Saliva... yum.
Current hair: Wet and up
Current clothes: PJ light blue pants, blue tank, pink underwear, and my favorite black sweater
Current annoyance(s): None. That's good.
Current longing: To be walking and back to normal
Current desktop picture: Becky, Martin Luther King, Jr., and me... Dreamers :-)
Current favorite artist: Mmm, that's tough... Becky!
Current book(s): Study Manual for the Actuarial Exam
Current color of toenails: A fading dark pink that is growing out.
Current hate: The Actuarial Exam